2015 – We are ready for you!

2014 was a spectacular year for Moorhead, but I expect 2015 to be even better. Some of the things to look forward to in 2015 include Oakport becoming officially Moorhead (with a unique rural residential zoning), Heritage Garden and the Defiant Garden in Woodlawn park, a Solar Garden, activity in our new Industrial Park (we currently have 3 that we are anticipating news), Community Art in Moorhead, and more growth in both commercial and residential properties. In 2015, we will finish up on our flood projects and hopefully will receive full levy certification. We will work during this Legislative Session for more border states legislation, and funding for the final leg for Oakport/soon to be Moorhead’s flood work. I will continue my “Coffees with the Mayor” every 3rd Wednesday (10-noon and 7-9pm), take every opportunity to share news with our community, and we’ll see the fruition of our Community Voices meetings, and their next stage. I plan to continue discussions with our colleges and students, our business owners, developers, and our greater community. Communication is crucial to keep us moving forward. We have a number of things in progress, and it’ll be fun to see them go to completion. Thank you for all of your ideas that you’ve shared with me. This is an amazing City. Together, we can make it even better.

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