Three MHS students were honored by Moorhead Rotary for their essays about the Rotary Four-Way Test. (From left) Moorhead Rotary president Steve Astrup, Brooke Hooglund, Eleanor Culloton, Isabelle Kelly, and contest chair Jon Riewer.
Three writers from Moorhead High School have won the top prizes in Moorhead Rotary’s annual Four-Way Test essay contest on the ethics of interpersonal communication.
Brooke Hooglund earned top honors for her account of how children’s interaction with seniors in retirement homes. Her article was also chosen as the top entry in Rotary District 5580, which encompasses clubs from Williston and Dickinson, North Dakota, to Thunder Bay, Ontario. She will be honored during the annual district conference, to be held in Fargo April 11-12.
Second-prize winner Eleanor Culloton was honored for her essay on the ethics and value of paid parental leave for both mothers and fathers. Isabelle Kelly’s reflections about the value of patience in dealing with family, friends and oneself was selected for third prize.
The Rotary Four-Way Test, created in 1932, is one of the world’s most widely quoted statements of business ethics. It includes four questions: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?