
1983 was my first year. I started my accounting career with a public accounting firm, in the Tax Department. I tend to love analytical stuff, so I initially envisioned myself in Audit. I’ve since learned that Tax is all about planning and analysis, without all the travel, so it was a good choice.

come in many variations. This past MN Legislation made some changes that were retroactive. I think most individuals will be pleased… unless you happen to prepare tax returns for a living. Although, you probably heard about the income tax changes, you might not have heard about some property tax changes that we will enjoy this year.

In Moorhead, our levy dropped 4%. In addition, more people are eligible for a property tax refund through the state. Homeowners can make as much as $105,500 and still be eligible. . You use the information from your 2014 property tax form, that most of just received in the mail, and MN Form M1PR. It’s due August 15, 2014, and refund checks usually are sent out in the middle part of August. You can file the form electronically or by paper. The website is The maximum refund is $2,580, so it’s worth checking it out.

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