Hustle and Bustle

We are in that season when there are so many things happening and so much that we feel we need to prepare for. I believe that like life itself, it isn’t about the actual event, but the journey. On Thursday, when this FM Extra issue goes out, my nephew, Adam Redman is graduating from Moorhead State University Moorhead (MSUM) along with hundreds of other students. His dad, my brother, died last year, and would have enjoyed seeing him walk up. He doesn’t know it now, but Ron, (my spouse and newly retired MSUM professor) will present Adam with his diploma. It’s all a journey. Adam was born and raised in North St. Paul. My spouse and I have enjoyed having Adam in our community, watching him become a fabulous young adult, enjoying him as he experiences college, and will move on to the next segment of his journey.

This time of year, with a mixture of important holidays, gatherings and year end reflections has a different kind of energy… a hustle and bustle. I would like to wish you a happy holiday season, and hope that you can slow down just enough to enjoy what blessings you have and enjoy the journey. Season’s Greetings!

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